Monday, January 21, 2013

Stay productive with clean and light inbox| unsubscribe all subscriptions

2.8 million emails are sent every second in this world. Even the smallest of the business use emails to connect to their vendors and customers. As it is an integral part of our lives, we must do it properly and must know how to manage the incoming mails properly.

Now, when it comes to emails, a very common problem that is faced by almost everyone is the undesired emails ranging from sales proposals to newsletters. Tons of these unwanted mails can burn down your productivity. In this post I am going to discuss a FREE! application available online that will make your life easy when it comes to your inbox.

Swizzle : Unsubscribe the useless subscriptions and have a light inbox

Sizzle is an online service that will clear your inbox for you. It is a very simple process.

1. go to swizzle.
 2. Authorize access to your mail.
3. The site will generate a list of all of your subscriptions.
4. Then you can select what service do you want to unsubscribe, or even move to the digest.

 Mails digest: Convert your subscriptions into a weekly digest for your convenience

This is my favorite feature. Some subscriptions are irritating but we may refer to them from time to time; for these services you can use the digest service in Swizzle. When your subscriptions are listed, select all the services that you wish to move to your digest, which you will receive weekly.

so no more, haphazard inboxes. Stay light and productive.